What did I learn today

  1. Seq2Seq
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    • Takes a sequence of words as input and gives another sequence as an output
    • Composed of Encoder and Decoder
    • Decoder receives ‘start of sentence’ token at the beginning and gives ‘end of sentence’ token to end the sequence’
    • Problem? The huge volume of the sequence should be cramped into a netwrok even if the hidden dimension is relatively small + The information from the early sequence disappears! -> need of attention model
  2. Seq2Seq Model with Attention
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    • Get hidden vectors from the encoder and a hidden vector from the decoder, and do inner product for each vector from the encoder with that from the decoder -> attention scores
    • With the attention scores, give corresponding weights to each hidden vector from the encoder. The weighted sum is the attention output
    • Attention output stacked to the decoder output constitutes the final output vector y
    • Teacher Forcing
      • In the decoder, the each layer feeds on the output from the previous layer
      • The model could either train on the output from the previous layer or use ground trugh instead. This is called teacher forcing
      • TF is faster, but less accurate
    • Different Attention Mechanisms
      • Image Source
      • Luong:
        • General: When calculating the weight, add a learnable matrix between the hidden state output from the encoder and the decoder.
        • Concat: Concat the two hidden state vectors from the encoder and the decoder, concat an feed to a neural network to calculate the weight
    • Attention is great!
      • Improves neural machine translation performance. Enables focusing on particular parts of the source (which hidden state vector).
      • Solves bottleneck problem arising from the fact that previous models had to rely solely on the outputs of the last layer
      • Due to shorter gradient back propagation path, attention solves the vanishing graident problem
      • Provides interpretability just by consulting the attention weights
  3. Beam Search
    • Greedy Decoding: getting output one by one. The problem is that the model cannot fix the prior result even if it later know that the output was wrong
    • Exhaustive Search: Try all possible sequences of y with V^t possible number of cases -> to complex
    • Beam Search
      • In between greedy decodign and exhuastive search. On each time step of the decoder, select k most probable partial translations.
      • Image Source
      • Decision Standard
      • Keep the best k hypothsis each step
      • For each k hypothesis, get top k most likely words and calculate scores. So the number of cases temporarily become k^2
      • Decode until the model produces the token
      • If some hypotheses complete ealier then others, save it and continue calculating others
      • The longer the sequence, the smaller the probability -> normalize by the length of the sequence
  4. BLEU Score
    • Precision: from the answers the model produces, how many of them are right?
    • Recall: from the entire relevant answer, how many of them did the model discover?
    • Get F1-score (the harmnoic mean of precion and recall)
    • The problem -> does not consider the sequence of the output
    • Compute N-gram (one to four) overlap and apply geometric mean
    • Qualify the geometric mean by brevity penalty. Brevity penalty is the total precision that allows overlap, with the maximum cap of 1.