Training and Inference
- Blocks for Training
- Loss
- Loss function == Error function -> Used for backpropagation
- Family member of nn.Module (actually)
- This is why a single line of loss.backward() can cause back propagation
- Focal Loss: for imbalanced dataset
- Label Smoothing Loss
- x one hot, smoother value
- because objects or features of objects from other classes can coexist
- optimizer
- what updates the loss
- StepLR (smaller every epoch)
- Metric
- Classification: Accuracy, F1-score, precision, recall, ROC&AUC
- Regression: MAE, MSE
- Balanced Data: Accuarcy ok
- Imblanaced Data: F1-Score
- Training Process
- model.train(mode=True)
- set the module in training mode (loss change yes?)
- optimizer.zero_grad()
- criterion = torch.nn.SomeLoss()
- loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
- optimizer.step()
- updates the gradient through the backward process
- could use this function to incorporate smaller batches into larger batches
for i, data in enumerate(train_loader, 0):
if i % NUM == 0:
- Inference Process
- model.eval() (dropout, batchNorm off)
- gradient should not be updated
with torch.no_grad():
for data in dataloder:
(Peer Session)[]
What did I Do Today
- Fixed Errors in Dataloader
- Distributed Data Labeling process
- Trained the Model on Mask Dataset
- (Tried) to fix the loss
- Read and read and read the DL template
- Finish the lectures before 12
- Sleep fast!