
  • Classify 18 agumented classes
    • 3 age intervals
    • mask, no mask, and incorrect mask
    • male or female


  • Learning how to enhance DL model
  • Learning a part of DL pipeline

Data Description

  • Metadata Field, file format


  • Way to improving together

Answer Submission

  • File name and answer label in csv
  • How to create the answer label file?
    • With python IDLE (the hosts will provide it)
    • Jupyter Notebook


  • Many data fields.. aside from the image itself. how can I use it? -> The goal is to predict all labels


  • (Done) The faces in the photo are always in the middle. We can crop it for better performance
  • (Failed due to too much time) Better to have the result for each classes from different models or at least from a different vector. The suggested class of 0 from 17 with different classes merged into one vector is undesirable
  • (Works Great) Stratified Dataset according to personals. Same person, many photo -> could be in both the train and test dataset -> could make the validation set less meaningful
  • (Fun, easy to share) Transformation Cafe. Sharing sorts of transformations as cafe menus
  • (Stupid that we weren’t doing it) Validation and train set split
  • (Seemingly useful for now) learning rate scheduler -> CosineAnnealingLR
  • (Great) Tidying up is so important. Name the model weights and tensorboard running log with time and other recognizable variables
  • (Trying out) Shouldn’t the transformation on validation be the same one with the one on test data?
  • (Very Useful) Any errors from the dataset or data loader? Any wrong labels from the first place? -> YES


  • Imbalanced dataset problem
    • Use focal loss
    • Use data augumentation
  • Resize
    • original size of dataset 500x384
    • 400x384 -> no face crop
    • 384x384 -> very little face crop, still decent
  • Model Form
    • destination class: 3 X
    • 3 heads 1 model X
    • 1 head 3 models X
    • For debugging and fast training purposes -> 1 model 1 head!

(Model Tryouts)[https://www.notion.so/Parameter-7c91e3d70ec2404a9e56a49e78806d33]